First week of school went by ... flew actually. The builders have taken up residence at the school so we, the staff, now walk many many steps to go from our main building to the classrooms as there are barricades stopping us taking the shortest distance from A-B.
It is so lovely walking around the school grounds as we are still in Summer and the trees are in flower. I had to snap a photo of this one , my favourite.
Celestial Skies-1996

I gave my hand the rest it demanded and completed the Posie blanket and then moved on to my Red number. Two down and more to go. Slowly, but surely, I am reducing the pile of unfinished projects I have collected in the last couple of years.

My family- 1996
Treasures and colours seem to be a common theme. This afternoon I ran across a folder where I filed some artwork that my youngest did in prep. The date on these is 1996 and that would have made her 4 years old. She is now enrolled in an Art and Drama degree, so it is apt that I found these as they reminded me that she was always drawing and painting. I particularly love the family art piece - we look so well fed and zany.
On the topic of well fed, I am reminded of the figurine my eldest daughter gave me. You could say that at the moment I am experiencing the middle age spread. I have arrived at a point where I am becoming too comfortable with the extra rolls and padding that I carry around. She gave me this at least 6 years ago when I was having a fit about the extra pounds/kilos I had taken on board but at that time it was given in gest as I was by no means a rotund beach belle ... now sadly I can say it is a realitic representation of Sewlines. Walking my way around the school may help....wishful thinking....
On the topic of well fed, I am reminded of the figurine my eldest daughter gave me. You could say that at the moment I am experiencing the middle age spread. I have arrived at a point where I am becoming too comfortable with the extra rolls and padding that I carry around. She gave me this at least 6 years ago when I was having a fit about the extra pounds/kilos I had taken on board but at that time it was given in gest as I was by no means a rotund beach belle ... now sadly I can say it is a realitic representation of Sewlines. Walking my way around the school may help....wishful thinking....
I gave my hand the rest it demanded and completed the Posie blanket and then moved on to my Red number. Two down and more to go. Slowly, but surely, I am reducing the pile of unfinished projects I have collected in the last couple of years.
The Field of Flowers is also receiving some attention as I love this one.

But today will be a rest day.... an afternoon relaxing in bed ....reading.
But today will be a rest day.... an afternoon relaxing in bed ....reading.
Today is Saturday the 31st January- Why does my blog not register this date? My computer has the right date!
Can anyone tell me how I can address this? Thanks.
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