For most of the year we experience the "Dry Season" but when it rains it does so in style. It is pouring buckets of rain!
I woke up to the drumming on the roof and raced out to save my precious rosemary plant before it becomes to water logged. I love rosemary and for years I have had a bush that I could prune at my leisure and use in cooking. But last year it called it a day and turned brown and died. Since then I have been struggling to establish one and finally I had success.
This morning I had planned to go to the thrift shop to browse. I am searching for an old chest to store some of my wares. On second thought, I have opted to stay home and have a leisurely breakfast and then do some crocheting. I am enjoying the passionfruit my husband was given this week. They are the yellow variety (don't now the name) and I could eat these all day. You can see them on my kitchen bench beside a find I picked up at a thrift shop in Bristol last year. It was sitting there hidden behind some gaudy jewellery and other stuff calling my name. It cost me 1pound 50 and although my sister and daughter were no help whatsoever helping me decide if my choice should be the gaudy bling or the jar, my jar won the day. It travelled with me across Europe and now calls Australia home. It has an old worldy charm that pulled at my heart strings.
I'm not happy to hear about your rosemary bush. I am having the same problem. So far, in the last 12 months I have lost or killed 2 plants. And every other time bar one that I have started one growing successfully I have had to move. But I do love my rosemary so I will have another go after I improve our totally sandy soil. Cherrie