In the year 2004 I discovered rag quilting and that Rag Quilt year many friends and relatives ended up with a rag quilt whether they wanted one or not. Rag quilts are quick to make and can be very appealing. So it was to be that I made one for our bed. At that time I was making quilts and had not yet rediscovered crochet so my sewing machine was clocking up many miles/kilometres.
It is now 2009 and .... I have decided is is time for a change, so I have commenced a new spread. This one will feature the colour pink and green. I am adding some shades of blue. The colour yellow is also asking for an invitation to be included. What do you think? Should I let it join the party?
My challenge is to use up some of the fabric I have in my stash so I cannot give in to temptation. I cannot and will not be swayed by all the gorgeous fabrics at the craft shop. I only allowed myself one length as I could not for the life of me resist. How could I not own this fabric that flirted its gorgeous colours and pattern of pink rosettes?
For a while I considered taming the colours to only pinks and whites...but that would not be my style.
Oh...there's yellow radiating its golden splendour ..... Will I or Will I not?????????
O yes, yes to the yellow. I always think yellow is the little bit of magic that lifts a combination. Cherrie