Alas.... I almost went into shock when I saw how much yarn I have managed to acquire since I re-discovered crochet. I have been crocheting since I was knee high to a grasshopper but in the late 70s it was left on the shelf as I pursued other crafts. I attended a local craft show in the late 90s and saw 2 crochet blankets that mesmerised me. The very next day I went out and bought yarn and made one each for my daughters and one for my 2 nephews. I was hooked!!! Now, since I live in the tropics, one may say I am slightly crazy but one day when the big freeze comes, I will be warm and cozy.
2009 is the year for me...the year that will try to complete most of the WIPS. I love starting new projects and sometimes am interrupted by some other idea I have.
At the moment I am working on 3 incomplete blankets. A Granny's Flower Garden which is almost there. I just need to complete one more row of flowers, a multicoloured rug and a granny square blanket that reminds me of my childhood.
Shhhh... don't tell .....I started another one today with all the odds and ends of yarn. I am calling it Field of Flowers as it is made up of various coloured flowers... flowers bloom in no particular colour sequence or pattern.
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