Saturday, April 25, 2009

April Antics

I love flower displays but as it has been very hot till now I tend not to have live flowers in my vases as they never can survive the day. The other day I picked up these roses that I just love. I have just "plonked" them in and they make me feel happy. Aren't they glorious?

As promised myself, I am on a mission to finish all the incomplete bits and bobs I have in my stash. I dug these squares out and decided to add 2 more rows on each plus a rose red border.

Then I spotted these hexagons. Unfortunately, I have since misplaced the pattern but was able to "read" my work and have since written the pattern. This one is next on the list.

Easter was relaxing and family orientated. Mr F and I went for long walks and then rested and rested.

As we were visiting my parents the vegetation is slightly different from the tropical verdant foliage of the surroundings where we live. We were in gum and savannah bush. Gum trees grow tall and many have trunks that are wrapped in a chalky white skin.

My mum was delighted with the rug I gave her. I finally finished the Calypso Rug in the car as we travelled to her place.


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