Today I thought I would continue with the green theme. I spent the earlier part of the day repotting some plants and cutting back some of the growth in my garden. The rains have turned my garden verdant but unfortunately the weeds are lush as well. The heat and the humidity sends me inside by mid morning and then I spend the rest of the day trying to keep cool.
One of my favourite greens is the border I worked on this
Field of Flowers blanket.

In September I went to Italy with a group of my Italian Class students and as we climbed tucked away steps in Rome to visit an interesting church this was the view that motivated our tired legs.
A set of potholders I made for a co -worker
New covers made 2 weeks ago for my patio furniture. A variation of green ...aqua and brown
Another tini bag made by DD2
The view from one side of my home
Today after a general tidy -up of the home I sat and did some stitchery as both my sewing machines have had to go in for a service and clean. I am enjoying the gentle rhythm of hand sewing.