Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My work this month
....and to add to the many other WIPs, I have I played with some cotton.
Monday, April 26, 2010
My Goodtime girls
....and a witch dressup.
Ciao Ines
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
April Yarns
Check her work and I promise you will be awed by her beautiful work . What a Lady! I am full of admiration.
It has been exciting because every square is a different adventure. I have also dug in my "spare squares" stash and added a row or 2 to make them 6 inches. Here are my squares .... I missed the first round so I have the flower theme in mind for this lot. Sue, if you read this, I hope you do not mind that I have added them to my blog. I have just discovered the new editor feature and I am excited.
First set:
Adventures in April
Angels and birds watch over my home. The birds are missing... where are they? I remember now. I had given them a clean and had not returned them to this sunny corner.
These were a pain to paint but in the end I did not worry if some brown stain showed. The overall effect is a big improvement.
I bought the wicker set of chairs from a secondhand place and they had been painted grey and the cushions were dark purple. The cushions are now an aqua colour with a chocolate pattern.
My garden needs some TLC and I need to repot some pots.
My youngest daugther spent a week at home. She has now returned to Uni in Brisbane and I miss her.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The colour of March
Three quilts that all share similar fabrics. Here is a shaggy that is used on my sofa bed. My sister is spending time at my place so it is on that bed for now.
Another shaggy made for my mum who is in hospital.
A multi colour square with some interesting farm theme fabric.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Green Theme
One of my favourite greens is the border I worked on this Field of Flowers blanket.
In September I went to Italy with a group of my Italian Class students and as we climbed tucked away steps in Rome to visit an interesting church this was the view that motivated our tired legs.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Behind the green door
Happy New Year to you all. I have not blogged for for ever as I lost interest and found other pastimes. I have decided that I will resume as this way I can keep a record of projects my daughter and I make. My daughter sewing????? Wonders will never cease! DD2 has never shown any interest in this art as she was more into acrylic and oil art. Last November she asked if I could buy her a sewing machine for her birthday. Of course... but I have to admit I was rather cautious when it came to buying this gift. Should I go all out and buy her a machine with all the bells or a reliable work horse? She came home from Uni so off we went to my local Bernina store. She made the choice at the end and talked me into buying her a Bernette. I was rather sceptical as I wanted a Bernina and not her little sister Bernette.

A tulle petticoat
A lovely little bag with zip closure
... and her first dress
She has also made a patchwork table runner and more.
I have been doing much more sewing these holidays and have taken a break from crocheting. I had been given a few packs of curtain samples years ago so have now produced a few quilts. I have only taken a photo of this one.
I have been reading some blogs that show the extreme cold in Europe as I sit here in the extreme heat. I send all of you in the freezing cold some warm sunshine.