I have had some fun making squares for SIBOL over at
http://suesfavouritethings.blogspot.com/ .
Check her work and I promise you will be awed by her beautiful work . What a Lady! I am full of admiration.
It has been exciting because every square is a different adventure. I have also dug in my "spare squares" stash and added a row or 2 to make them 6 inches. Here are my squares .... I missed the first round so I have the flower theme in mind for this lot.
Sue, if you read this, I hope you do not mind that I have added them to my blog. I have just discovered the new editor feature and I am excited.
First set:
2nd set:
3rd set

4th set... this set includes squares that I made a few years ago and just stored them in my treasure stash.
Crocheting has been the name of the game these last 2 weeks. I am fortunate that I have many passions as I find that I can control my stress in this manner.
As I claim to be a multi starter, I always have many projects that I am working on ,and quite frequently, I will abort the work and pick up something I began 2 years ago. I pack each project in zip bags and I have now accepted my mode of work.
This baby blanket was once a 3/4 completed pillow that I remodelled. I had 8 small squares made...4 roses and 4 plain. The plain was used up to add rows to the rose motif and it sort of happened from there. I do have a baby in mind.... now I am prepared for a boy or a girl. The boy blanket I made last year.
Now, as I was saying, my baby was home for a week and ordered a new blanket. So once again I went to the UFO stash and found something I was never going to finish. I was not in a right state of mind when I bought the variegated brown yarn. What was I thinking??? After a few colour combinations, I was delighted she chose this ugly yarn. She suggested a black outline to make it look somewhat faux retro. I am progressing and hope to complete it soon. My aim is to make it huge so I can rid myself of this colour.
My blanket that I plan to have on my bed this winter is on hold until I complete the above. I do work diligently until I complete a blanket if it is for a reason.... in this case for my daughter. This is the one that had my daughter expressing her wish to have a new blanket.
Bethel of Bethania I could hug you. You have made my day as I had lost hope that anyone would leave a comment on my blog. Thank you. Yes, I do live in the same state; I am in Cairns so your garden plants mirror mine. I was so enegetic today...What is wrong with me??? I grabbed the opportunity to repot and generally tidy the patio. I also stretched myself to do some weeding. Alas, my energy battery suddenly went flat and my back was protesting so I am now sitting here writing this, sipping an iced tea. After this I may just crochet again. What a life!!!! ....until next Monday when it is back to work.
This is it for today..... Ciao!!